Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Nippon Momento Paint

This is how my room looks like after i painted it with Nippon Momento paint. It is available at selected Ace Hardware only. I bought it from Ace Hardware at Ikano Power Center. The paint cost about RM150 and the kit cost around RM20 each(you need the kit to apply the paint). 
 The muffins looks nicer than it tasted.
Before start our painting, we head to Ikea first for breakfast. Look how greedy she is? P:s= she didnt finish the chicken wing! Tho, that might because the chicken wing sucks. Breakfast in Ikea feels like going to schools dining hall, there's so many people there!
Below are some photos during the process. Many thanks to my minions who help me out with the painting ( Weng Dee, Diana, and Weng Keong).
 Applying the base coat(white colour) before letting it dry for about an hour. Well i think we are qualified to be a paid painter next time.

 Weng Dee, being a girl, and do what she did best. :)
Diana practising out her calligraphy skills.

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